Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Easier to write than to speak

Those words are so describing me. I just googled to find out, whether a problem like this is also exist on someone else's or its just me. And guess what, Im not the only one in this world :D.

Why is it ?. When i type, when i chat, when i blog, my mind flows so smoothly. I could write words by words, sentences by sentences and without i realize it, its already more than 5 paragraphs. I even could make jokes easier, some people laugh at what i wrote. Somehow i think, if i have two me(s). Online me and Offline me. Online me is a talker whilst Offline me is a listener.

Its not that im a freaking people who doesnt know how to talk nicely. Its just, when i should talk for such a long time, seems like words are hating me and just left me behind. Specially when it comes about relationship thing or personal thing of me.

Maybe those people who are good at listening, having the same problem with me. Good at writing than talking. I was once having a problem with someone - named A, than i wrote a message to A. Unfortunately A didnt like it and kept asking me 'why cant you just talk to me instead of wrote me' ?. So many words in my head that i wanted to release to explain the reason. Again...., i just can't, and i kept silent as my defence. Result : A got frustrated.

Even if i could rewind those time, the result would never change. Its not easy to express how i feel, what's on my mind, what's my problem is in speaking. It is easier to write them, to spill them into words.


She Cat, The person in this forum has the same problem as me. Some people may say im a coward for not daring talking face to face whenever i have a problem with them. Well IM NOT. Its just that, with writing, i could choose the words, polite words, words that (hopefully) when people read it, they know how i feel without hurting them so much.

I hate confrontation, i hate fighting, i hate yelling and i hate being cornered. And i hope....i really do hope, for people like A, could understand people like me.

-- the end -- :D

1 comment:

  1. hahahahahaha itu jg problem yg kadang2 gw alamin, sometimes kl ada sesuatu yg mengganjal dalam hati gw walaupun dengan suami sendiri, kalimat itu susah sekali meluncur dari mulut gw, and u know what i'm doing, i write a letter to describe how my feelings :D. kuno yaa but ist a real fact. Kadang kalimat yang kita luncurkan jg tidak selalu membawa kebaikan kadang tujuannya malah tidak bisa tersampaikan dengan jernih, karena akan ada emosi yg terlibat didalamnya. so i decided to write all my feeling in a letter even with my own husband :D
